लेख सूची इतिहास तकनीकी लेख विविध लेख" हिंदी उपन्यास "सात समन्दर पार" : समीक्षा Posted by Ratan Singh Shekhawat Oct 27, 2009 चंडीगढ़ के यूनिस्टार पब्लिकेशन ने "सात समन्दर पार " हिंदी उपन्यास प्रकाशित किया है जिसे लिखा है अमेरिका में रहने वाली भारतीय महिला कमलेश चौहान ने | कमलेश चौहान पंजाब साहित्य सभा द्वारा प्रेस्टीयस एन आर आई एकेडमी अवार्ड जनवरी २००९ से भी सम्मानित है |
उपन्यास अमेरिका में रहने वाले एक एनआरआई से शादी करने वाली महिला के जीवन की सच्ची घटना पर आधारित है | इस उपन्यास की मुख्य किरदार सुन्दरी नामक एक महिला है | साधारण परिवार में जन्मी सुन्दरी स्वतंत्र विचारों वाली ,बहादुर,चतुर ,वाक्पटु और सुन्दर महिला है | अपनी दो बहनों की शादी के खर्च के वित्तीय बोझ से दबे परिवार पर सुंदरी कभी बोझ नहीं बनना चाहती इसीलिए वह अपनी शादी की बजाए अपनी पढाई को प्राथमिकता देती है साथ ही गलत सामाजिक अवधारणाओं के खिलाफ आवाज उठाती है | सुन्दरी आकाश नाम के एक लड़के जिसे वह अपने सपनो का राजकुमार समझती है से बेइन्तहा प्यार करती है लेकिन उसके इस प्यार के रिश्ते को उसके घर वाले कभी स्वीकार नहीं करते और उसकी शादी एक एन आर आई से कर दी जाती है | अपने परिवार की आर्थिक व सामाजिक परिस्थितियों के चलते सुन्दरी उस एनआरआई से शादी कर लेती है और इस तरह शुरू होती है सुन्दरी की सात समंदर पार यात्रा |
सुन्दरी एक पढ़ी लिखी महिला होने के बावजूद उसे महसूस कराया जाता है कि वह विदेशी वातावरण के लायक नहीं है उसका पति उसे अहसास करता है कि वह सामाजिक तौर पर उसकी बराबरी की नहीं है और वह उसकी भावनात्मक व वास्तविक इच्छाएँ कभी पूरी नहीं करता | वह हमेशा अपनी नौकरानी की तरह आज्ञाओं का पालन करवाना चाहता है लेकिन सुन्दरी इन सबके खिलाफ आवाज उठाती है और अपना एक अलग अपने खुद के उसूलों वाला व्यक्तित्व तैयार करती है | वह विदेशी कानून की मदद से तलाक़ लेकर खुद को अपने पति से अलग कर लेती है और समाज में अपनी पहचान बनाने का संघर्ष शुरू करती है इसी संघर्ष को इस पुस्तक में उकेरा गया है | इसके अलावा इस पुस्तक में भावनात्मक विषयों को छुआ गया है | जो भारतीय महिलाऐं शादी करके पश्चिमी देशो में पंहुच हिंसा, भावनात्मक व शारीरिक शोषण का शिकार बनती है उनके अनगिनत किस्से इस पुस्तक में संजोये गए है | और शोषण का शिकार बनी महिलाओं को उपन्यास के माध्यम से उनके अधिकारों से परिचित कराना व उनकी शक्ति को बढ़ाना है |
उपन्यास में एक नारी के अरमानो व भावनाओं कोप गंभीरता से दर्शाने का प्रयत्न किया गया है | उपन्यास की किरदार सुन्दरी अपने प्यार से वंचित हो एक प्रेमरहित विवाह करती है ताकि वह अपने परिवार की वित्तीय सहायता व सामजिक प्रतिष्ठा बना सके लेकिन लेकिन इन प्रेमरहित बांहों के दलदल से निकलने के लिए वह जो संघर्ष कर एक ऐसी नारी बनती है जो समाज में अपना एक अलग निशान छोड़ती है |
भारतीय महिलाओं पर एक और उपन्यास लिख रही है " धोखा सात फेरों का "
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Review from www.Flipkart.com saat samundar paar
A Lovely Journey "Saat Samundar Paar"
Review by Nita Shah
I'm really happy that I found this book to read. It was a treat to read a hindi novel made in USA! I feel everyone in India should really read it. Life in foreign land was not easy for alot of us - I don't think people in India realize what we've been through.
This book takes you on a journey about Sundari who lost her true love in India due to family beliefs...she was forced to marry a man twice her age and struggled to save her marriage.
Its a very entertaining read about pre-marital and extra-maritall affairs, as well as about marriage and divorce. Trust me when you start reading this book...you won't be able to put it down. Absolutely fantastic work!
Review by Nita Shah
I'm really happy that I found this book to read. It was a treat to read a hindi novel made in USA! I feel everyone in India should really read it. Life in foreign land was not easy for alot of us - I don't think people in India realize what we've been through.
This book takes you on a journey about Sundari who lost her true love in India due to family beliefs...she was forced to marry a man twice her age and struggled to save her marriage.
Its a very entertaining read about pre-marital and extra-maritall affairs, as well as about marriage and divorce. Trust me when you start reading this book...you won't be able to put it down. Absolutely fantastic work!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
मेरे सपने
वोह जो थे कभी मेरे अपने
वोह जो थे कभी मेरे सपने
आज वोह अपने ही तो बने बेगाने है
बिखरी धुल के कुछ भूले अफसाने है
वक़त के सितम है बेहिसाब
दुनिया के रंग है बेशुमार
कौन करे किस्सी का ऐतबार
प्यार बिकता है भरे बाज़ार
चलो अच्हा हुवा तुम हमें भूल गए
इसी बहाने हम दुनिया से जुदा हो गए
Copy right@ Kamlesh Chauhan 2009
None of the line is allowed to used, Manipulated in any form
वोह जो थे कभी मेरे सपने
आज वोह अपने ही तो बने बेगाने है
बिखरी धुल के कुछ भूले अफसाने है
वक़त के सितम है बेहिसाब
दुनिया के रंग है बेशुमार
कौन करे किस्सी का ऐतबार
प्यार बिकता है भरे बाज़ार
चलो अच्हा हुवा तुम हमें भूल गए
इसी बहाने हम दुनिया से जुदा हो गए
Copy right@ Kamlesh Chauhan 2009
None of the line is allowed to used, Manipulated in any form
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Willing Defeat Written by Kiren(Minu)Chauhan all rights reserved with Kiren kumari Chauhan
I surrender...
Take me now..... while I'm weak...
God Knows when I'll be back to my old self...
Fully aware of my fears and hangs-ups...
Aware that you know my greatest fear....
Take me while I have no choice but to fall...
Do it before I force myself to get up
Get up and fight..
Fight my greatest enemy of all..
I surrender...
Take me now..... while I'm weak...
God Knows when I'll be back to my old self...
Fully aware of my fears and hangs-ups...
Aware that you know my greatest fear....
Take me while I have no choice but to fall...
Do it before I force myself to get up
Get up and fight..
Fight my greatest enemy of all..
Just In ILLusion written by Kiren(Minu) Chauhan all copy right with Kiren Chauhan
One tries so hard to perfect it...
Yet the soul wants to be prepared for what it's up against..
It Is Said that ones' own self places them......
Then eventually full of complaints of their mere existence....
So how does love manage to exist between these two?
May be it's all in illusion...
They say true love never dies...
Someone convince me it ever really existed......
all copy rights reserved with Kiren Kumar Chauhan 2009
One tries so hard to perfect it...
Yet the soul wants to be prepared for what it's up against..
It Is Said that ones' own self places them......
Then eventually full of complaints of their mere existence....
So how does love manage to exist between these two?
May be it's all in illusion...
They say true love never dies...
Someone convince me it ever really existed......
all copy rights reserved with Kiren Kumar Chauhan 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
वोह लम्हे :
सदियों तक तेरी मीठी याद की गुलामी करती रही
तेरी यादो नै बांध के रखा, संगदिल; में उलझी रही
ना जाने कॉलेज के एक बगीचे में खामोश खड़ी थी
तू जाते जाते रुका तेरी चेहरे पर मस्त ख़ुशी सी थी
मेरी जुल्फों को कभी मैकदा और काली घटा कहा था
मेरी झुकी नज़रो से ना जाने तू क्या खोज रहा था
मै़ने तुमसे नज़ारे भी ना मिलायी बस बुत बनी खड़ी रही
तुम मेरे पास आऐ लेकिन अपनी जुबा ना खोली थी
बरसते भीगते मौसम मे आज भी धुवा उठता है
तरसती आँखों मे आज भी एक नज़ारा बसता है
सदियों तक तेरी याद के सहारे बैठी रही
निगाह दूर तक तेरी राह सदियों देखती रही
खो गए वोह लम्हे रह गया द्शते-जुनू-परवर वहा
ना जाने तू मेरी दुनिया, ना जाने तेरी बसती है कहाँ
all rights reserved @ Kamlesh Chauhan 2009
तेरी यादो नै बांध के रखा, संगदिल; में उलझी रही
ना जाने कॉलेज के एक बगीचे में खामोश खड़ी थी
तू जाते जाते रुका तेरी चेहरे पर मस्त ख़ुशी सी थी
मेरी जुल्फों को कभी मैकदा और काली घटा कहा था
मेरी झुकी नज़रो से ना जाने तू क्या खोज रहा था
मै़ने तुमसे नज़ारे भी ना मिलायी बस बुत बनी खड़ी रही
तुम मेरे पास आऐ लेकिन अपनी जुबा ना खोली थी
बरसते भीगते मौसम मे आज भी धुवा उठता है
तरसती आँखों मे आज भी एक नज़ारा बसता है
सदियों तक तेरी याद के सहारे बैठी रही
निगाह दूर तक तेरी राह सदियों देखती रही
खो गए वोह लम्हे रह गया द्शते-जुनू-परवर वहा
ना जाने तू मेरी दुनिया, ना जाने तेरी बसती है कहाँ
all rights reserved @ Kamlesh Chauhan 2009
My Unique Son written by Kamlesh Chauhan CopyRight@Kamlesh Chauhan
My Unique Son
Written By: Kamlesh Chauhan
A Fairy came to me on one beautiful night
There was dark, silent shadow around me
All of sudden I saw Brilliant blue Light
Intense luminosity awaken my eyes
My body felt the pious seed
The God supreme gift inside
Since I prayed for your wellbeing
Soon, I realized you are heavenly
Today, I want to share and let you know
I might not be perfect mother as you know
In every respect, you are a grown man now
But never forget who you are or feel low
You are my unique son every way
I thank God for your Birth every day
You are my moon. You are my moonlight
You are my Sun, You are my Sunshine
You are my Peace, you are my courage
You are my Goal, You are my Prize
I want you to true to Yourself
Always believe in yourself
Never be afraid of Hardships
May you rise with sunlight
You deserve to know
How much mom love you
Every Child is different. Sometime we parents forget to show our love and care. Our kids need to know how special they are. They need to go on in their own life but Mother Love and Blessing reamin with them.The hardships of life can leave us tired and jaded but they will always bounce back with new vigor and parental support.
Written By: Kamlesh Chauhan
A Fairy came to me on one beautiful night
There was dark, silent shadow around me
All of sudden I saw Brilliant blue Light
Intense luminosity awaken my eyes
My body felt the pious seed
The God supreme gift inside
Since I prayed for your wellbeing
Soon, I realized you are heavenly
Today, I want to share and let you know
I might not be perfect mother as you know
In every respect, you are a grown man now
But never forget who you are or feel low
You are my unique son every way
I thank God for your Birth every day
You are my moon. You are my moonlight
You are my Sun, You are my Sunshine
You are my Peace, you are my courage
You are my Goal, You are my Prize
I want you to true to Yourself
Always believe in yourself
Never be afraid of Hardships
May you rise with sunlight
You deserve to know
How much mom love you
Every Child is different. Sometime we parents forget to show our love and care. Our kids need to know how special they are. They need to go on in their own life but Mother Love and Blessing reamin with them.The hardships of life can leave us tired and jaded but they will always bounce back with new vigor and parental support.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Jagriti"Author Lounge"
The Faridabad based, noted Hindi poet and novelist, Kamal Kapur was felicitated at the Cerritos residence of Kamlesh Chauhan on Sunday, October 4th. Kamal Kapur, who is on a private visit to S. California had contacted Chauhan upon hearing about the latter’s novel, “Saat Samundar Paar.”
The occasion was the charter of “The Jagriti Writers’ Lounge” under the aegis of the Jagiriti Foundation and its founder Kamlesh Chauhan. A brainchild of Harshi Gill, Dr. Deepinder Singh and Dr. Parvin Syal, the group aims to foster kinship among writers of Indian origin. TheWriters’ Lounge will have periodic meetings to provide a critical forum for exchange of ideas and the enjoyment of each others’ writings. The group also aims to publish an annual anthology of poetry, plays, short stories etc. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Syal, a published poet, playwright and screenplay writer. Other members included author, dramatist and poet Harshi Gill, poets Pum Sandhu and Dr. Deepinder Singh. Journalist J.S. Bedi, writing extensively on Punjabi military history was also in attendance. Members not present include novelist Gaytri Saggar, Minu Chauhan, Ranjun Chauhan, Malvinder and Nanni Sandhu.
The writers present read from their works and the recitals were also enjoyed by an audience comprising of Jagwinder Mann, Dimpy Gujral, Manjit Bhasin and Sulakshana Rajput.
Kapur informed this correspondent that she has a personal mission to propagate Hindi literature and that she was particularly enthused about the interest in Hindi writing in the Indian Diaspora. As the editor of Pehchan Patrika published monthly in New Delhi, she invited contributions from authors in the Southland. Kapur has also penned anthologies of poetry, namely “Zindagi kai Mod”, “Gulmohar has Uthae” and “Pal Do Pal.” Her novels include, “Katha Sangraha: Rishton kai Rang”, “Naahar Shuta Jayae”, “Ek Bheegi Saanjh” and the award winning “Chaavan.”
Those interested in the activities of the group may contact Jagritiusa@Gmail.com
The occasion was the charter of “The Jagriti Writers’ Lounge” under the aegis of the Jagiriti Foundation and its founder Kamlesh Chauhan. A brainchild of Harshi Gill, Dr. Deepinder Singh and Dr. Parvin Syal, the group aims to foster kinship among writers of Indian origin. TheWriters’ Lounge will have periodic meetings to provide a critical forum for exchange of ideas and the enjoyment of each others’ writings. The group also aims to publish an annual anthology of poetry, plays, short stories etc. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Syal, a published poet, playwright and screenplay writer. Other members included author, dramatist and poet Harshi Gill, poets Pum Sandhu and Dr. Deepinder Singh. Journalist J.S. Bedi, writing extensively on Punjabi military history was also in attendance. Members not present include novelist Gaytri Saggar, Minu Chauhan, Ranjun Chauhan, Malvinder and Nanni Sandhu.
The writers present read from their works and the recitals were also enjoyed by an audience comprising of Jagwinder Mann, Dimpy Gujral, Manjit Bhasin and Sulakshana Rajput.
Kapur informed this correspondent that she has a personal mission to propagate Hindi literature and that she was particularly enthused about the interest in Hindi writing in the Indian Diaspora. As the editor of Pehchan Patrika published monthly in New Delhi, she invited contributions from authors in the Southland. Kapur has also penned anthologies of poetry, namely “Zindagi kai Mod”, “Gulmohar has Uthae” and “Pal Do Pal.” Her novels include, “Katha Sangraha: Rishton kai Rang”, “Naahar Shuta Jayae”, “Ek Bheegi Saanjh” and the award winning “Chaavan.”
Those interested in the activities of the group may contact Jagritiusa@Gmail.com
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mindless Task written by Kiren (minu) Kumari Chauhan from Poems selection:Memoirs Journey
I will think twice this time.
For giving my heart away
Giving my heart to someone who don't deserve it
In return you don't have a heart.
except beating cell..
Yet dealing with the heartache.is mindless task
Not only it strip you of your defenses
It leaves you with many broken pieces
It kidnap you if you ever feeling of happiness
For giving my heart away
Giving my heart to someone who don't deserve it
In return you don't have a heart.
except beating cell..
Yet dealing with the heartache.is mindless task
Not only it strip you of your defenses
It leaves you with many broken pieces
It kidnap you if you ever feeling of happiness
Monday, October 5, 2009
Laughter written by Kiren Kumari Chauhan
Roars from all sides..why does it sound so alien..
Oh Yes, I remember...
God was it that long ago I
remembered its existance
Why did you snatch it from me
Children running..
Running with the joy of life..
Why I was running from you..
faster and faster until it
feel safe for short
Period of time.
Oh Childhood I never knew of your ........
existance until I watched other play....
a weary soul...watching from the outside
Slowly realizing that it could never
find the key to the inside..
Written by Kiren Kumari Chauhan ( Minu) all rights are reserved with Kiren Kumari Chauhan
She is an excellent writer.
Roars from all sides..why does it sound so alien..
Oh Yes, I remember...
God was it that long ago I
remembered its existance
Why did you snatch it from me
Children running..
Running with the joy of life..
Why I was running from you..
faster and faster until it
feel safe for short
Period of time.
Oh Childhood I never knew of your ........
existance until I watched other play....
a weary soul...watching from the outside
Slowly realizing that it could never
find the key to the inside..
Written by Kiren Kumari Chauhan ( Minu) all rights are reserved with Kiren Kumari Chauhan
She is an excellent writer.
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The Faridabad based, noted Hindi poet and novelist, Kamal Kapur was felicitated at the Cerritos residence of Kamlesh Chauhan on Sunday, Octo...