Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
स्व.आयुवान सिंह शेखावत,हुडील: राजपूत और भविष्य : मौत के मुंह में -2
स्व.आयुवान सिंह शेखावत,हुडील: राजपूत और भविष्य : मौत के मुंह में -2: भाग एक से आगे.... पाकिस्तान की स्थापना कांग्रेस ने इसलिए कराई कि जिससे देश का प्रबल और प्रभावशाली मुस्लिम-वर्ग शेष भारत से प्रथक होकर अन्य...
Thursday, September 20, 2012
लेखिका - कमलेश चौहान ( गौरी)
All Rights Are Reserved ( Saat Janam Ke Baad)
माना की ये उस मालिक का दस्तूर है
कुछ पल सब कुछ है
कुछ पल देखो तो कुछ भी नहीं
कल जो दिल के करीब था , आज भी है
अब, सात समुद्र पार है
कल जो अपना था वो आज कहीं नहीं
आह ! हम बहक गए थे किसी के बातो से
कैसे कटेगी ज़िन्दगी
मत पूछो जिसकी हमें खबर नहीं
चाँद महका था अमावस की रातो के बाद
वोह कौनसी थी रात थी
मुझसे मत पूछो अब कुछ याद नहीं
उसने न जाने अनेको नाम लिख दिए थे
अपने दिल पे
मेरा नाम याद रहे ,यह जरूरी तो नहीं
दो रोज़ का हसना हसाना ,गुनगुनाना
हसीं वादियों में
अब वोह सर्द राते परायी है मेरी नहीं
भूली बिसरी यादो , दिल मे बसेरा मत करो
वोह जो निकला बेवफा
उस दोस्त का नाम उसका नाम दुहराना कोई ज़रूरी नहीं
Any Manipulation of Exploitation will creates Leagal Action Of this Poem as its Copy Rights @ Kamlesh Chauhan
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Aaj Ankha Krishan Bhagwan Nu- Written By- Kamlesh Chauhanan
Aaj Ankha Krishan Bhagwan Nu -- अज आखा कृष्ण,राम भगवान नु
All Rights Reserved _ Kamlesh Chauhan
Please No line should be exploited and manipulated. Legal action will be taken.
किते वज़दी सी तेरी बांसुरी शैतान कंस दा किता सत्यानाश
बन के माँ बाप दा रखवाला बचायी उस माँ देवी दी लाज
शांति, भाईचारे विच जदों गवा बैठा सी योधा अर्जुन अपना होश हवास
चला अपना फेर सुदर्शन चक्कर किती उसदी देह ते रूह प्रकाशमान
अज आंखां कृषण भगवन नु , आ होके दे फेर हिंदुस्तान विच आ
एक लुटी सी इज्ज़त देवी द्रोपदी दी , तू महाभारत दिता सी रचा
अज लुटा चूका, भुला चूका हर हिन्दुस्तानी तेरे फुरमान नु
कह हिन्दू चीनी भाई भाई , बहां जवान खून बेच दिता देश नु
अज किधरे लभदी फिरा भगवान श्री रामचंदर भरत लक्ष्मण नु
किथे जावा कैहनु आखा कोई ढूंड लीयो सुग्रीव हनुमान नु
जद लुटी सी इज्ज़त देवी सीता दी जद रावन होया सी बईमान
किती सी लंका सवाह , कर टुकड़े टुकड़े साड़ सुटिया सी शैतान
आज लुटी शरेआम इज्ज़त हिन्दू माँ भैना दी विच कश्मीर असाम
फेर वी कहंदे युद्ध नहीं करना मेरे भारत दे देश भगत महान
भुलाई क़ुरबानी गुरु गोबिंद सिंह जी दी जिसे पुत्र दिते सी वार
बन वैरी अपने देश दे भुला के दिलो शिव, ब्रहामंड ओह निरकार
अज आखा क्रिशन राम भगवान नु किते ब्रह्माण्ड विचो बोल
आवे कोई मेरे गुरु गोबिंद सिंह देह शिवा मोहे वर बोल
लेखक - कमलेश चौहान
I am not good in Punjabi, Punjabi is not My First Language. I learned How to Speak Punjabi being friends of my many Punjabi Hindus and Sikhs Family. Many Things has been criticized by people about Lord Shiva and Hindu Devi Devta While Sikhs Gurus and their Philosophy Based on Hinduism. This how we people have been dividing our country in the name of Race and Religion. Every Nation has internal Problem But We who are Born in India are the one need to preach separatism??. This is how they go and make friends with those who have been Killing us for centuries? Now we are Preaching and changing our own faiths? We all Know every Branch of religion in India is born out of Hinduism. We need to Reform and change according to the time but not on the cost of our Unity.
Love for all. Citizen of Universe.
Copy Right @ Kamlesh Chauhan 2012
All Rights Reserved _ Kamlesh Chauhan
Please No line should be exploited and manipulated. Legal action will be taken.
किते वज़दी सी तेरी बांसुरी शैतान कंस दा किता सत्यानाश
बन के माँ बाप दा रखवाला बचायी उस माँ देवी दी लाज
शांति, भाईचारे विच जदों गवा बैठा सी योधा अर्जुन अपना होश हवास
चला अपना फेर सुदर्शन चक्कर किती उसदी देह ते रूह प्रकाशमान
अज आंखां कृषण भगवन नु , आ होके दे फेर हिंदुस्तान विच आ
एक लुटी सी इज्ज़त देवी द्रोपदी दी , तू महाभारत दिता सी रचा
अज लुटा चूका, भुला चूका हर हिन्दुस्तानी तेरे फुरमान नु
कह हिन्दू चीनी भाई भाई , बहां जवान खून बेच दिता देश नु
अज किधरे लभदी फिरा भगवान श्री रामचंदर भरत लक्ष्मण नु
किथे जावा कैहनु आखा कोई ढूंड लीयो सुग्रीव हनुमान नु
जद लुटी सी इज्ज़त देवी सीता दी जद रावन होया सी बईमान
किती सी लंका सवाह , कर टुकड़े टुकड़े साड़ सुटिया सी शैतान
आज लुटी शरेआम इज्ज़त हिन्दू माँ भैना दी विच कश्मीर असाम
फेर वी कहंदे युद्ध नहीं करना मेरे भारत दे देश भगत महान
भुलाई क़ुरबानी गुरु गोबिंद सिंह जी दी जिसे पुत्र दिते सी वार
बन वैरी अपने देश दे भुला के दिलो शिव, ब्रहामंड ओह निरकार
अज आखा क्रिशन राम भगवान नु किते ब्रह्माण्ड विचो बोल
आवे कोई मेरे गुरु गोबिंद सिंह देह शिवा मोहे वर बोल
लेखक - कमलेश चौहान
I am not good in Punjabi, Punjabi is not My First Language. I learned How to Speak Punjabi being friends of my many Punjabi Hindus and Sikhs Family. Many Things has been criticized by people about Lord Shiva and Hindu Devi Devta While Sikhs Gurus and their Philosophy Based on Hinduism. This how we people have been dividing our country in the name of Race and Religion. Every Nation has internal Problem But We who are Born in India are the one need to preach separatism??. This is how they go and make friends with those who have been Killing us for centuries? Now we are Preaching and changing our own faiths? We all Know every Branch of religion in India is born out of Hinduism. We need to Reform and change according to the time but not on the cost of our Unity.
Love for all. Citizen of Universe.
Copy Right @ Kamlesh Chauhan 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Measure India Need to Take Step When Immigrant Commit Crime CopyRights@ Kchauhan
CopyRights@ Kchauhan
Ordinary Universal Citizen – Kamlesh Chauhan( Gauri)
Before I start
this Topic I want to make it clear.. Being Hindu I am Indo- American Who
all Races, Religions and people of every sect. Few People who have
spread terrorism's have brought down the good people of their faiths. So
Organization don’t accuse me I have malice against any religion. Please
time to stop misleading the world.
Whole World Including Human Rights Agency adopt the
Policy of silence when Hindu Kashmiri Women, Daughters, Sisters been raped ,
abused or converted in to Islam and forced them a Muslim husband those Muslims
husbands were not from Kashmir originally , they were terrorists from ISI. Even
Western Media never make news every time Hindus get killed either in Godhra,
Kashmir and Assam.
Not even Sixty Minute of USA
dared to Showed Hindu Genocide in Kashmir, Godhra Train Massacre as well killing
of Hindus in Assam.
Big Question is where the Activists all over the World are. Why we are so afraid
of Jihadists and Terrorists’.
India beside what Party you belong, Whether You belong to
Janta Party , RSS, Sang or Samajwadi, each of the representative of every party
needs to get united when your unity from illegal or legal immigrants are challenged.
I am reading a Book of Dr Richard L. Benkin Book Title A Quite Case Of Ethnic Cleansing
The Murder of Bangladeshi’s Hindu who is living in USA and boldly wrote and
speak against the Hindu Genocide in Bangla Desh. Bravo to Dr. Richard L. Benkin. Amazing none
of the Congress Party member even read it.
Every Time when ignorant people make fun of Hindu Deities,
Hindu God or degrade Hinduism, it’s only Hindu Organization who raise their
Voice? Why not Hindus from Congress Parties? Why Not Hindus from SamajVadi? Why
Not Communists Hindu Party? Is party is more important to you or love for your
Now Question Come India is Diverse Country. Yeh
Country sab Ke liyae hai. Yes very good Views but what about those who come to
Diverse Country India where
their Love go for our Nation India?
Any one say anything derogatory to Islam or their Prophet , All over the world
Muslims take a stand and sword but when Hindus take swords they been labeled as
“ Terrorists”?
Let me Tell You something being reside out side India , Being Citizen of United States my
Love for my mother land never dies, When in 1987, USA was Supporting Pakistan
and helping Pakistan or Promised Pakistan to spread unrest in Kashmir, We Indo-
American didn’t kill anyone but we start steps to educate American Politicians
about India and the importance of Kashmir with Peace without Committing any
Violence as USA given us the freedom of speech, freedom of work and accepted us
we respect USA Flag along with our Birth
land Flag. We took oath to be faithful to America
and bring friendship and love between India
and USA.
Now its time for India
for the sake of Peace, Friendship and Love Between Other Nation, You have to
have rules and regulation who accept to migrate in India as well come as refugees.
These People first priority is to learn India is Diverse Country and they
need to make peace with all the races and religion. Their “religion is for
their personal guidance and keeps it in the family and enjoy all the comforts
Indian Govt has to Offer”.( Kchauhan) If they disobey and commit any crime Its
Government and media responsibility to deport them . Any Violence these Immigrants
commit including force marriage and conversion on Hindu women. Its not only
Hindu Organization responsibility to raise Voice its every race and religion
responsibility to raise voice. If any one take Indian Flag Down then Those
People need to be Penalized. Stop the Immigration until India economy gets better.
If any of the Party Bringing Refugee from Bangla Desh,
who are dishonest, They are Traitors and Enemies of their own people as well humanity.
They need to Bring their faces down with utter shame.
Now the Question arises, Why did these Bangla Deshi Flare
Flag? Why don’t they move to Pakistan?
Why Indian Kashmiri Hindu Can Put the Indian Flag in Kashmir?
Why don’t they move to Pakistan?
India and all the Parties stop blaming
RSS, Sang or any Hindu Organization when it comes to Indian Diversity and Unity
its your responsibility to take action against the person who kill the
real habitants of India. When Hindus are
peaceful they been called Coward? When Hindus raised Voice they have been
called Saffron or Terrorists. Are Hindus in other Parties have forgotten the
meaning of Saffron? Do you know the real Importance of Saffron in Hinduism?
Its Hight time for all of you to read a Book written by
Dr. Richard L. Benkin and see how Hindus been treated all over the world as
Hindus in each parties of India been unpatriotic if you don’t set the rules and
regulations. Stop dividing the Country? If you give alms to Muslims brothers
and Christians Brothers for their Spiritual Causes then Hindu Brothers need
alms to go to their Tirth Yatra. However,
In the end India
needs to have rules and regulation for the immigrants coming from Burma, Nepal,
Pakistan, Bangladesh.
They all need to take oath to be Indian First and Islamic second. They should
sign the papers and those Legal Papers should be prepared by every elected party
of all states including Kashmir. There should
never be any separate Government, laws and constitutions of any Indian States.
From Assam, Arunachal Purdesh,
Nagaland and Kashmir they all need to follow
Indian laws. Any TV Channels who don’t
give and honest coverage on the TV needs to be banned.
Get your Act Together and save your nation as well humanity. Set the example of
toughness to those who are against India and who refuse to accept
Indian Flag. “No Nation Should Be Divided In the Name Of Race and Religion”(Kchauhan)
“Anyone who Migrate in India they are Indian First, They
need to Protect Indian Flag, Keep the religion for your personal goal. If any
of your community manipulates you in the name of religion, you need to stay
away from such brothers of yours and report to the authorities as authorities
have to inquire honestly before penalized them.
“I love my Adopted
Land America, For the sake of my love for my mother land, I take a oath to
make these two nation friends and
protect the humanity against any fanaticism of the world. India is the only country who can
be good, faithful and sincere friend to any nation who believes in Indian
democracy too. America Need India, India
needs America.
Two great nation can make Ram Rajya” ( Kchauhan)
The Measure India Need to Take Step
When Immigrant Commit Crime
CopyRights@ Kchauhan
Ordinary Universal Citizen – Kamlesh Chauhan( Gauri)
Before I start
this Topic I want to make it clear.. Being Hindu I am Indo- American Who Love
all Races, Religions and people of every sect. Few People who have spread terrorism's have brought down the good people of their faiths. So Interfaith
Organization don’t accuse me I have malice against any religion. Please its
time to stop misleading the world.
Whole World Including Human Rights Agency adopt the
Policy of silence when Hindu Kashmiri Women, Daughters, Sisters been raped ,
abused or converted in to Islam and forced them a Muslim husband those Muslims
husbands were not from Kashmir originally , they were terrorists from ISI. Even
Western Media never make news every time Hindus get killed either in Godhra,
Kashmir and Assam.
Not even Sixty Minute of USA
dared to Showed Hindu Genocide in Kashmir, Godhra Train Massacre as well killing
of Hindus in Assam.
Big Question is where the Activists all over the World are. Why we are so afraid
of Jihadists and Terrorists’.
India beside what Party you belong, Whether You belong to
Janta Party , RSS, Sang or Samajwadi, each of the representative of every party
needs to get united when your unity from illegal or legal immigrants are challenged.
I am reading a Book of Dr Richard L. Benkin Book Title A Quite Case Of Ethnic Cleansing
The Murder of Bangladeshi’s Hindu who is living in USA and boldly wrote and
speak against the Hindu Genocide in Bangla Desh. Bravo to Dr. Richard L. Benkin. Amazing none
of the Congress Party member even read it.
Every Time when ignorant people make fun of Hindu Deities,
Hindu God or degrade Hinduism, it’s only Hindu Organization who raise their
Voice? Why not Hindus from Congress Parties? Why Not Hindus from SamajVadi? Why
Not Communists Hindu Party? Is party is more important to you or love for your
Now Question Come India is Diverse Country. Yeh
Country sab Ke liyae hai. Yes very good Views but what about those who come to
Diverse Country India where
their Love go for our Nation India?
Any one say anything derogatory to Islam or their Prophet , All over the world
Muslims take a stand and sword but when Hindus take swords they been labeled as
“ Terrorists”?
Let me Tell You something being reside out side India , Being Citizen of United States my
Love for my mother land never dies, When in 1987, USA was Supporting Pakistan
and helping Pakistan or Promised Pakistan to spread unrest in Kashmir, We Indo-
American didn’t kill anyone but we start steps to educate American Politicians
about India and the importance of Kashmir with Peace without Committing any
Violence as USA given us the freedom of speech, freedom of work and accepted us
we respect USA Flag along with our Birth
land Flag. We took oath to be faithful to America
and bring friendship and love between India
and USA.
Now its time for India
for the sake of Peace, Friendship and Love Between Other Nation, You have to
have rules and regulation who accept to migrate in India as well come as refugees.
These People first priority is to learn India is Diverse Country and they
need to make peace with all the races and religion. Their “religion is for
their personal guidance and keeps it in the family and enjoy all the comforts
Indian Govt has to Offer”.( Kchauhan) If they disobey and commit any crime Its
Government and media responsibility to deport them . Any Violence these Immigrants
commit including force marriage and conversion on Hindu women. Its not only
Hindu Organization responsibility to raise Voice its every race and religion
responsibility to raise voice. If any one take Indian Flag Down then Those
People need to be Penalized. Stop the Immigration until India economy gets better.
If any of the Party Bringing Refugee from Bangla Desh,
who are dishonest, They are Traitors and Enemies of their own people as well humanity.
They need to Bring their faces down with utter shame.
Now the Question arises, Why did these Bangla Deshi Flare
Flag? Why don’t they move to Pakistan?
Why Indian Kashmiri Hindu Can Put the Indian Flag in Kashmir?
Why don’t they move to Pakistan?
India and all the Parties stop blaming
RSS, Sang or any Hindu Organization when it comes to Indian Diversity and Unity
its your responsibility to take action against the person who kill the
real habitants of India. When Hindus are
peaceful they been called Coward? When Hindus raised Voice they have been
called Saffron or Terrorists. Are Hindus in other Parties have forgotten the
meaning of Saffron? Do you know the real Importance of Saffron in Hinduism?
Its Hight time for all of you to read a Book written by
Dr. Richard L. Benkin and see how Hindus been treated all over the world as
Hindus in each parties of India been unpatriotic if you don’t set the rules and
regulations. Stop dividing the Country? If you give alms to Muslims brothers
and Christians Brothers for their Spiritual Causes then Hindu Brothers need
alms to go to their Tirth Yatra. However,
In the end India
needs to have rules and regulation for the immigrants coming from Burma, Nepal,
Pakistan, Bangladesh.
They all need to take oath to be Indian First and Islamic second. They should
sign the papers and those Legal Papers should be prepared by every elected party
of all states including Kashmir. There should
never be any separate Government, laws and constitutions of any Indian States.
From Assam, Arunachal Purdesh,
Nagaland and Kashmir they all need to follow
Indian laws. Any TV Channels who don’t
give and honest coverage on the TV needs to be banned.
Get your Act Together and save your nation as well humanity. Set the example of
toughness to those who are against India and who refuse to accept
Indian Flag. “No Nation Should Be Divided In the Name Of Race and Religion”(Kchauhan)
“Anyone who Migrate in India they are Indian First, They
need to Protect Indian Flag, Keep the religion for your personal goal. If any
of your community manipulates you in the name of religion, you need to stay
away from such brothers of yours and report to the authorities as authorities
have to inquire honestly before penalized them.
“I love my Adopted
Land America, For the sake of my love for my mother land, I take a oath to
make these two nation friends and
protect the humanity against any fanaticism of the world. India is the only country who can
be good, faithful and sincere friend to any nation who believes in Indian
democracy too. America Need India, India
needs America.
Two great nation can make Ram Rajya” ( Kchauhan)
Monday, July 23, 2012
Pehali Pehali Baar
पहली पहली बार
Lekhak- Kamlesh Chauhan(Gauri)
Copyright@ Saat Janam Ke Baad.2012
मेरे खवाबो में मेरे ख्यालो में तुम इस कदर आने लगे हो
हादसों से भरी मेरी सुनी दुनिया में ज़लज़ले उठाने लगे हो
आज भी याद आयी वोह अजनबी सुनहरी सी दोपहर
खोयी खोयी सी अजनबी नज़रो का मिलना पहली बार
रुकते फिर चलते वोह मेरे सहमे से दुखते पावँ के छाले
सर्द सी धुप में , महरम लगा रहे थे तेरे आजाद इरादे
मेरे दिलबरो ! तुम आए तो सही अपना वादा निभाने
सो गया था कब से मेरा नसीब शायद उसको जगाने
मेरे प्यार !आज सोचा तो कुछ हल्का हल्का याद आया
उस शाम तेरी आगोश में मैंने था कितना सकुन पाया
सिमट कर यु तेरी बाँहों में , तमाम खुशीया बटोर ली मैंने
उस शाम के लम्हों को दिल की किताब पे लिख डाला है मैंने
Pehali Pehali baar
Mere Khawabo me mere khayalo me, tum is kadar aane lage ho
Hadaso se bhari meri suni duniya me zalzale uthane lage ho
Please give your critiques to inspire , encourage and opinion with positive suggestions. Please don't write your own poetry to respond to this poem so I don't get stray from my own thoughts. Thanks
Aaj bhi yaad ayyi woh aznabhi sunhari si dophar
khoyi khoyi si ajnabhi nazaro ka milna pehali baar
rukte fir chalate woh mere sehme se dukhte pavn ke chhale
srd si dhup me, mahram laga rahe thae tere azad erade
Mere dilbaro ! tum aaye to sahi apana waida Nibhane
Sp gaya tha kab se mera naseeb shayad usko jagane
Mere Pyar ! Aaj Socha to kuch halka halka yaad ayya
us sham teri agosh me maine tha kitna sakoon paya
simat kar yiu teri bahon me, tamam khushiya bator li thi maine
us sham ke lamho ko dil ki kitab pe likh dala tha maiane..
All Rights Reserved with Kamlesh Chauhan( Gauri)
Any Part of this Poem, any Khyal of this Poem are strictly forbidden to Manipulate or Exploit in your own words.
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We all hope to live peacefully with our neighbours, But India's next door nation just fired the three rockets from across the border tha...
बीते यौवन की याद आयी , वतन तेरी याद बहुत आयी लेखिका कमलेश चौहान (गौरी ) न जाने क्यूँ वतन तो दूर मैं छोड़ आयी। यू ल...
The Faridabad based, noted Hindi poet and novelist, Kamal Kapur was felicitated at the Cerritos residence of Kamlesh Chauhan on Sunday, Octo...