Saturday, November 14, 2009

कश्मीर मेरी जनम भूमि की पुकार: लेखक : कमलेश चौहान (सल्ली) कॉपीराइट 2009

कश्मीर मेरी जनम भूमि की पुकार

लेखक : कमलेश चौहान २००९

ओह ! आसमान वाले, ओह! दुखियों के रखवाले
तेरा है भारत तू भारत का,महाभारत रचाने वाले

तेरी मोजुदगी में हर कश्मीरी भारती रोता रहा
तू जानकर भी इस कदर खामोश देखता रहा

तुने देखी हिन्दू माँ की लावारिस लाशे
तुने सुनी हजारो लाचार पुत्रो की आंहे

दरिंदो ने हिन्दू माँ की कोख को झिंझोर दिया
नवी नवेली दुल्हनों का सिंदूर मांग से पोछ दिया

आयो सरसवती इस धरती पे , जनम ले फिर नन्दलाल
महक उठे फिर गुलसता, चहक उठे फिर डाल डाल

एह मेरे पियारे वतन,फिर तेरी याद लौट आई
दिल से उठी एक चीख , आख़ मेरी भर आई

कहीं भी हो चाहे मेरा वजूद ,कही भी हो मेरा बसेरा
दिल से जुदा न होगा भारत का मुकुट है कश्मीर मेरा

Nothing should be taken away or manipulated from this poem. All right are reserved with Kamlesh Chauhan. 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

ये चाँद आज फिर निकला है यु सज धज के
मुहबत का जिक्र हो शायद हाथो की लकीरों मे

याद दिलाता है मुझे एक अनजान राही की
याद दिलाता है उन मुहबत भरी बातो की

टूट कर चाहा इक रात दिल ने एक बेगाने को
कबूल कर लिया था उसकी रस भरी बातो को

वोह पास हो कर भी दूर है मुझ से
दूर होकर भी कितने करीब है दिल के

उनको देखने के लिये ये नैन कितने प्यासे थे
उनको देखने की चाह मे हम दूर तक गए थे

डूब जाते है चश्मे नाज़ मे उनका कहना था
जिंदगी कर दी हमारे नाम उनका ये दावा था

आज चाँद फिर निकला बन ठन कर
चांदनी का नूर छलका हो यु ज़मीं पर

याद आयी नाखुदा आज फिर शब्-ए-गम की
मदभरी,मदहोश,रिश्ता-ए-उल्फ़ते,शबे दराज की

नैनो मे खो गए थे नैन कुछ ऐसे उस रात
छु लिया यूँ करीब हो कर खुल गया हर राज़

आज पूरण माशी का चाँद फिर निकला
सवाल करता है आपसे आज दिल मेरा
मेरे चाँद

तोड़ कर खिलोनो की तरह यह दिल
किसके सहारे छोड़ देते हो यह दिल

अगर वायदे निभा नहीं सकते थे तुम
जिंदगी का सफ़र न कर सकते थे तुम

कियों आवाज दी इस मासूम दिल को
कियों कर दस्तक देते हो इस दिल को

मत खेलो इस दिल से मेरे हजूर
मत छीनो मेरी आँखों का नूर

हमारा तो पहला पहला प्यार है
आँखों मे तुम्हारा ही खुमार है

हर रोज तुम्हारा ही इंतजार है
दिन रात दिल रोये जार जार है

या तो हमें सफ़र मे साथ लेलो
या फिर अपनी तरह
हमें भी खुद को भुलाना सीखा दो
जीना सिखा दो मरना सिखा दो

अभी तो ज़िन्दगी एक इल्जाम है
बिन तुम्हारे सुनी दुनिया
हमारा तो संसार ही बेजार है

all rights reserved with Kamlesh Chauhan none of the lines and words are allowed to manipulate and changed. Thanks

Sunday, November 1, 2009

If we want to play Key Role Globally: Written By Kamlesh Chauhan copyright@2009

If we want to play Key Role Globally

Written By: Kamlesh Chauhan
CopyRight @Kamlesh Chauhan2009

It looks good when we hear or read about India development or advancement in the space. India has and will stay on the top of the world if India doesn’t ignore the growth of home grown terrorists, spies in our country and educate our imminent generation about the culture, beliefs, race and religion of each states of India.

We still have the same old History Text books in our schools. We still have Old roads to drive the cars. We Still have no good Toilet and Sewer and good draining system. Streets are full of stray dogs and Dirts. There are Mosquitos, Flies, Ants and rats are running around outside the temples.Ignorance and Illitracy still run high in Villages.Crime is still High in the Trains. We still have beggars on the road. Do we ever try to find out who is making these young kids a beggar? When we see Slum Dog Millionaire we all cried why some foreign producer exposing us and our countries dirt’s but we are so lazy to take special interest in such shameful acts of those we are making money by cutting the hands or taking out the eyes of our poor innocent kids,?

We do grumble about corruption not only in the Police Department in fact in every department of Indian Systems But what we do to control the hunger of these corrupt humans. Do we really find out what make a constable to take bribe? Did we ever try to find out it could be higher authority that ordered him or made him to look for bribery to his use?

We all know Pakistan ( ISI) Promote Jihad against India and Hindus. We all know China wants to take control over Kashmir, Archula Pardesh and almost everywhere in our country. What we did to stop those voracious nations? Are we ready to have full fledged war with China? Why can’t we stop doing business with China? Who is China who asks us who should visit archula Pardesh or not? What we did? Are we that weak not to speak openly against China? We don’t need to show our muscle but we need to take stand now or never.

Bengla Desh asked for our helped to help them to get Indepedence from Pakistan. What Bengla Desh doing in return? Spying on Us? Killing our Soldiers? Helping China and Pakistan to infilterate Terrorists in our Country? Why we are closing our eyes on these security issues? If we want to the Major role in the World, if we want to be secular or peace loving nation we have to learn how to defend and protect ourselves. We need to close the Borders. We need other Indians to shifts and buy lands on those states where Pakistan, Bengla Desh and China infiltrating terrorisms. There should be law against those who teased our citizens by waving Pakistan Flags in our lands. Are Maoists stronger than Our Indian Law and Army? Why we are not able to defeat them the Way Sri Lanka did with their insurgents?

We all need to think hard and don’t let repeat the history over and over again. We need to educate every child of our country about Patriotisms and diversity of our culture, educate them about every part of India. We need to secure our borders. We need to investigate our Police and Army Officers who are on duty at the borders. We have to prepare special security officers when Pakistan, China, Bengla Desh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka infiltrates terrorists we should not be distracted from their gun fire at the borders.

We are capable of taking care of these issues. India needs to learn from USA how strongly USA reacted after 9/11 ill-fated incidents. We need to learn from Israel how strong their army is. How strongly they react when their security is threatened. We will be playing major key role only if we take care of Security Issues in our Country. There are so many non-profit education organization shouting about their education agenda, what are they doing? Did they able to educate youth of today what is Kashmir? Where is Kashmir? Who founded Kashmir? Pakistan –Occupied –Kashmir. Each child of India should know Kashmir is Integral Part of India and Its duty of every child to protect Kashmir and every state of India. India can’t be divided anymore.